UK 01773 831122
INTERNATIONAL +44 1773 831122

Send your order and payment securely to HPS

You may use this form to send a secure payment to HPS, please complete as much of the information below as possible.

You can refer back to our website here

Your Details

First Name Surname (Last name)

Contact Details
Daytime Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Email Address

Billing Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Postal or Zip Code

Your Payment Card Details

Card Type
Issuer/Bank Name
Card Number
CCV2 Security Number*
Expiry Date /
* Last 3 digits often printed on reverse Signature Strip of card.

Additional Information

The products you need
Please enter the products you would like to purchase by simply describing them (entering any part codes you may have been given, or found on our website, if applicable) and giving the approximate total.
Your contact person here at HPS
If you have previously spoken to one of our sales team regarding this purchase - please enter their name here, if not please leave blank.
Tell us about your bike
Please enter as much of the following information as you can for your bike(s): MAKE, Model No. & Name, Year Suffix, Model Year, Colour. e.g. SUZUKI, GSX1300R HAYABUSA, K2 2002, RED. Or enter n/k if you're unsure.
Where did you find us?
Specifically, can you please tell us where you saw HPS advertised or heard about us (eg. Search engine such as Google or Yahoo, or magazine such as Bike or Fast Bikes)?
Anything else
Please enter any additional questions or comments you'd like to make here

Please leave empty:

Fields labelled in RED are required.